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🌡️ What's the Optimal Relative Humidity to Prevent Dust Mites and Mold Growth Indoors? 🕵️‍♂️

🌡️ What's the Optimal Relative Humidity to Prevent Dust Mites and Mold Growth Indoors? 🕵️‍♂️

As a seasoned mold inspector, frequently I have been asked: what's the magic number for indoor relative humidity (RH) that keeps dust mites and mold growth while promoting top-tier air quality? The answer lies in the sweet spot that balances comfort and well-being. Too much humidity can fuel mold's mischievous growth at 60% RH, while dust mites are eager to prosper at 55% RH. But fear not, for the secret to success lies in the optimal range of 35% to 45% RH, a threshold that not only thwarts these unwanted intruders but also fosters a healthier living environment. 💪🏡🌬️ hashtag#IndoorHumidity hashtag#MoldPrevention hashtag#AirQuality 🌿🌞

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