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Certification, Education, Experience: Why Quality Mold and Asbestos Inspections Require All Three

Updated: 1 day ago

Why Quality Matters

People’s definition of quality varies. People have described quality as:

quality mold inspection
  • Conformance to requirements

  • Freedom from defects

  • A degree of excellence

  • Delighting customers

  • Fitness for use or purpose

  • The totality of characteristics that act to satisfy a need

The bottom line is…quality matters. Quality is a predictable degree of dependability we, as consumers, desire and need. It is much, much more than simply providing good customer service. Quality assures us a need is being met in the right way, at the right time, and with the right people. It lends confidence to our decisions and priceless peace of mind.

The Importance of Certification and Accreditations

asbestos, inspection, black mold, mycotoxins

Certifications ensure the high levels of knowledge and skill which may be maintained in a profession. They take time and effort, which help assure a professional is committed to mastering their knowledge and skills in a field. Certifications also require professionals to adhere to recognized quality standards and compliance with legislation. They are provided to an individual as an objective measure, verifying their competency in their profession.

Accreditations can be thought of as certifications for organizations or businesses within an

industry. The accreditation, which requires official standards to be met, helps provide user confidence by establishing an objective measure of competency for a business.

How Education and Experience Add Value

Dr. Justin Joe, Justin Joe, BNF Consulting Inc

Education and experience are like two sides of the same coin. They have a symbiotic relationship, and it is uncertain if one can fully exist without the other. Merriam-Webster defines education as the knowledge and development resulting from the process of being educated. That development comes from gaining experience in the subject matter being learned.

asbestos inspection

Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”. Wise words as knowledge can be obtained through practical experiences, not just from books or in a classroom. This makes education and experience invaluable to personal and professional growth. Their presence helps obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of any subject matter.

Why Quality Mold and Asbestos Inspections Require All of These

asbestos inspection

Mold and asbestos are substances that can impact the health of yourself and others. It is essential that the inspection and testing of these substances be performed by licensed and certified inspectors who have received a quality education and gained valuable experience under the tutelage of a field expert, such as an industrial hygienist. Utilizing an accredited lab for their samples is vital to the accuracy of any analysis.

This level of expertise in both areas helps ensure accuracy in the inspection methodology,

analysis of the lab results, and the scope of work provided in the remediation plan. You would not leave a baby with someone you believed did not possess the education and experience to provide quality care. Nor should you leave the health of yourself and others in the hands of someone not qualified to provide the quality of service that the nature of these substances demands.

asbestos inspection

BNF Consulting offers safe, professional, and thorough mold and asbestos inspections by inspectors and industrial hygienists that are licensed and certified. Dr. Joe onboards his inspectors through extensive hands-on experience and requires ongoing education to keep up with current industry standards and practices. Our detailed and comprehensive reports are top quality and efficient, providing peace of mind. You can contact us with questions or make an appointment at 914-297-8335 or


About The Author

asbestos inspection

Justin H. Joe, Ph.D., CIH, CSP, CPE, is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a principal consultant of BNF Consulting, Inc. Dr. Joe graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with Ph.D. and MS degrees in nuclear engineering. Dr. Joe has provided industrial hygiene consulting as a core function with his diverse background of experience and education.



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